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Hello Everyone!
As of today, we will be editing service prices to be a $5 minimum.
This means that if you're selling a $1 service, it will now be $5, and you will need to adjust your service output accordingly.
If you're selling 100 backlinks for $1 then you'll want to edit your service to sell 500 backlinks for $5.
Now, if your service was already amazing at $1 then people will still pay $5 for it.
The only people who can price their services below $5 are those who have been selected by staff, level X members, and that's it.
Services priced at $1 are now $5.
Services that were between $2 and $5 have been grandfathered in and the prices were not changed.
We are doing this because we lose money on every sale that is under $2. We're basically paying for you to make a profit if you're selling a service below $2 and we can't build a great marketplace like that, sorry.
Q: Can you edit my service so it's under $5 please?
A: No, sorry. Services under $5 are only for users that are level x3, x4, and x5.
Q: Can you increase my level to x3, x4, or x5 so I can price my services under $5 please?
A: No, sorry. Level X is for staff selected users who have shown exemplary services and effort. Simply asking for a level increase won't help you. Instead, work on your services and make your customers extremely happy. We're always watching the reviews and seeing what people say about your services, so we'll know when you need to be staff selected
Q: This is ridiculous, why is the minimum $5 now?
A: Because we would go bankrupt if the only services being purchased were for $2 or lower. We lose money on cheaper services and we can't run a quality marketplace if we don't have profits to push into marketing, advertising, and support.
I hope you all understand