Monster Backlinks

Answers from user MonsterBacklinks

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Calling all Bloggers! We are in search of a quality writer who can get some content done for our blog. If you've checked out blog you will know that it needs some TLC! What we're looking for and need in a writ...

3 3 years ago

Hello Everyone! As of today, we will be editing service prices to be a $5 minimum. This means that if you're selling a $1 service, it will now be $5, and you will need to adjust your service output accordingly. ...

6 3 years ago

Hello Everyone! A lot of you have been asking for a way to purchase services here by using cryptocurrency. Well, now you can! Today we launched the option to use Coinbase as a way to pay using crypto. Accep...

4 3 years ago

Hello there! As many of you have been asking "Will free boosts be coming back?" Well... YES!!!! this is an example image. Your Total Boosts, Free Boosts, and Boosted Today will look different If you go to h...

13 3 years ago

Hello everyone! We are getting a wave of the same question coming across the help desk right now. That question is "Can you increase my user level?" or some form of it. We had been honoring a users level if th...

5 3 years ago

Hey Everyone! As the title says, we will be removing all social media type services. The only types of services related to social media that will be allowed are: 1. Design services: Page creation, image creation,...

2 4 years ago

Here's a list of frequently asked questions that will likely answer anything you need These are mainly what we've been getting asked on the Help Desk and will be updated as time goes on. Q. Will my user info tr...

29 4 years ago

Like the title says, if you see anything that might be broken, please let us know here. We have a few things on our radar already, but we know that you may be seeing something that is slipping past us. You can help...

38 4 years ago

Welcome Everyone! We are glad you have chosen to start your journey here on We are not a new website, been around since 2010, but we are revamped and consider this MBL 2.0 We are working ar...

16 4 years ago